Thursday, April 10, 2008

Asian Cabbage Salad with Sesame Seeds

This was a light cabbage salad that I served with the Peking Peanut Penne. I thought it was very good. I used honey because I coudnt find Agave nectar. It had a tangy taste that we all thought was really good. I got the recipe from Kalyns Kitchen.

6 cups green cabbage, sliced in strips (about 1/2 large head of cabbage)
2 T sesame seeds, toasted
2 T peanuts (or more)


2 T rice vinegar
1 T sesame oil
1 T agave nectar (or honey)
1/8 tsp. hot sauce
1/8 tsp. grated ginger

Slice cabbage in strips about 3/8 inch wide, cutting strips in half crosswise is they are too long. Mix rice vinegar, sesame oil, agave nectar, hot sauce and ginger in a small jar and shake to combine. (Can also wisk together in a bowl.) Toast sesame seeds about 1 minute in a small dry pan, until they start to be fragrant and slightly browned. Put cabbage strips into mixing bowl, toss well with dressing, arrange on individual serving plates and sprinkle with sesame seeds and peanuts.


Audrey said...

I saw Agave nectar at Trader Joe's the other day - I was wondering what you would do with it. Now I know!

Wilmington Blinds said...

This is great